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Gundam goods for your car.

2 Mar

You fancy Gundam? Then don’t look far! Here’s some goodies for your car.
Or as Seiwa describes it on their webpage: “Happy Break, Happy Car Life”


When I first saw this picture, I felt that THIS is exactly what my car needs. Yes, I get easily exited when it comes to Gundam, so I reckon I’m in the right targeted group for this one.


What soda might be the coolest to put into this one?


Though I don’t smoke or allow smoking in my car. I’m SERIOUSLY considering changing that rule by installing this one.



Via: Seiwa

493 Pokemon Drawn as Sexy Anime Girls

25 Feb

What can you say? This is by far the nicest otaku way of evolving Pokemon =)

Go go do hardcore analysis on the following picture hehe.

Via: comicsalliance